Green Temara Agung Residence type 45
This is the second project of Bapak Agung from Kalimantan. Previously, the first project was Green Temara Agung type 36. But all files have been lost because at that time the computer was damaged and the hard drive died, this is one of the files that can still be saved.
Back to topic, Green Temara Agung Residence type 45, in the design process there was not much revision, from the initial stage of submitting the concept design and layout of the client's room layout, I immediately liked it. So that the process of making working and 3d drawings is not that long. But once the design is complete and submitted to the client after a week, the client asks to change its color, which was originally dominant in orange, replaced with green. The main concept is a minimalist design, on the facade of the front part of the wall applying natural stone and rooster on the side of the house.
The land area is 10x12m, with a front porch layout, living room + family room, dining room, pantry / kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and back porch. as well as a carport, there is a garden on the front, side and rear.
Teyana Architect
Architect Studio that provides architectural and interior design services for villas, private houses, luxury homes, cafes, offices, housing, shop houses, boarding houses, apartments, town houses etc. Serving Architectural Design Services in Wonogiri, Solo, Jogja, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bandung, Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok, Bogor, Bekasi, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda and all regions in Indonesia.
Ini adalah project kedua dari Bapak Agung dari Kalimantan. Sebelumnya proyek yang pertama adalah Green Temara Agung type 36. Tapi semua file sudah hilang karena waktu itu komputer rusak dan hardisk mati, ini salah satu file yang masih bisa diselamatkan.
Kembali ke topik, Green Temara Agung Residence type 45 ini, dalam proses desain tidak banyak mengalami revisi, dari tahap awal pengajuan desain konsep dan layout penataaan ruang client langsung suka. Sehingga proses pembuatan gambar kerja dan 3d tidak begitu lama. Tapi begitu desain sudah selesei dan diserahkan keklient selang seminggu, klient minta dirubah warna nya, yang semula dominan warna orange diganti dengan warna hijau. Konsep Utamanya adalah desain minimalis, pada fasad tampak depan sebagian dinding mengaplikasikan material batu alam dan roster di samping rumah.
Luas lahan kavling 10x12m, dengan layout ruang teras depan, ruang tamu + ruang keluarga, ruang makan, pantry/kitchen, 2 kamar tidur, 1 kamar mandi, dan teras belakang . serta carport, ada taman dibagian depan, samping dan belakang.
Teyana Architect
Studio Arsitek yang menyediakan jasa desain arsitektur dan interior untuk villa, private house, rumah mewah, cafe, kantor, perumahan, ruko, kos, apartement, town house dll. Melayani Jasa Desain Arsitek di Wonogiri, Solo, Jogja, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bandung, Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok, Bogor, Bekasi, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda dan seluruh wilayah di Indonesia.